Annual Fire Safety and Security Report
The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act) requires institutions of higher education to provide information on campus crime statistics and their security policies. The Clery Act is intended to encourage the reporting and collection of accurate campus crime data in order to promote awareness and enhance campus safety.
What is the Clery Act?
The Clery Act acknowledges that some community members and students in particular may be hesitant about reporting crimes to the police, but may be more inclined to report incidents to other campus-affiliated individuals. Certain members of our community are therefore designated Campus Security Authorities (辅导).
CSAs are obligated to report allegations of Clery Act defined crimes which occurred on campus, on public property bordering campus and in non-campus areas which the university leases or otherwise controls. To report a Clery Act qualifying crime, CSAs should use the Campus Security Authority Incident Report Form.